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lol drunken townies
  JoeDeertay, Oct 20 2009

sorry I'm drunk and for some reason LP forum links don't seem to work, so I posted this again =[

See below imo.

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1/2 and lol drunken old townies
  JoeDeertay, Oct 20 2009

Ok, so I'm a little drunk right now so forgive me for any errors in the upcoming post. I went to play 1/2 today at a friend's place and won about $125, and my friend Sam was there and he won $400+, so we decided that when the game broke at 1am to go to a local bar in town. We met up with a few of his cute friends there (although he called dibs on the cutest one early, so fml imo) and started catching up with them quick while the bar was closing in the last half hour we were actually there. While we were chugging pitchers, this one guy kept telling me about how he was 43 and was complaining about his life because he was wasted and was at the bar alone, and kept saying how hot our friends were and that he wanted to get it in with at least one of them. So after last call my friend Sam and I run to a bottle shop like a block away to get there before they close, then we meet up with the chicks we were with outside the bar and chill on a bunch for a while as they smoke a bit and try to sober up. Meanwhile, this old douchebag from the bar walks by and and starts talking shit about how he has a 10 inch dick and he is wondering why the girls are with us instead of him, and all other kinds of bullshit, so I jsut start having fun and going back and forth with him.

Eventually he says that he really only has a 7 inch dick but it's really thick around, so I tell him he has a chode and he thinks I called him a toad, so he gets pissed and throws this bag he is holding at me, and I get up and ask him if he really wants to do it and he says yeah, so I get ready to beat his ass. Then Sam and the girls tell me to just walk away and we start making our way to their apartment, and the guy says something about how I'm obv smart based on my chat and therefore he will leave us alone. So we go to their apartment building and all of the sudden he comes back screaming shit at us about how he doesn't understand why the girls came home with us and how he is going to rape the two of us. I procede to say something like, "so you are going to fuck us right here in the ass, huh? Come on then, I can't wait" as I bend over and keep pointing to my asshole, which gets him really pissed off and he starts coming at me. Then we get face to face and the girls are obv scared shitless at this point and Sam keeps telling all of us to come inside the building and close the door, and as I'm the last one in closing the door I tell him to "have fun on the internet with yourself later faggot" and he procedes to start punching the glass doors to the apartment building with a clenched fist over and over again.

I REALLY wanted to kick his ass with the help of Sam, but apparently Sam is a pussy and was more concerned with fucking this Kaitlyn girl we were hanging with at the time then beating down some 43 year old asshole that clearly was asking for it. I had a 6pack of Dos Equis in my hand at the time, and if I really needed it I was prepared to break one of them over this mother fucker's head and put him in a god damn arm bar to make him beg for mercy later. Would have been sweet. I broke my jaw in 3 places over this kind of bullshit in July, but I was fucking ready to do it again for sure, esp if it ended up in me getting some kind of 8+ pussy tonight (although it didn't happen because there was no fight and I didn't really like the other girl we were with, so eh).

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1/2 live + lol drunken old townies
  JoeDeertay, Oct 20 2009


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